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Tracy Frisch

A Short History of Wheat

Wheat has been an article of trade for thousands of years. White flour had been coveted for almost as long, though the technique of making it wouldn’t be fully perfected

Saving the Future, One Seed at a Time

KEN GREENE BECAME A twenty-first-century small-scale seedman to keep seeds “where they belong—in the dirty hands of caring gardeners.” He wants them out of the grasp of corporations, like Monsanto. As

Fifteen Tons Downriver

WHEN ERIK ANDRUS, A VISIONARY farmer with a love of water, sets sail on September 15, the low-cost wooden boat he and other volunteers constructed will be hauling products of Champlain

Growing Wellness at Camphill

ONE BRILLIANT FALL MORNING, between garden buildings and a greenhouse, a line of eye-grabbing shares of newly harvested produce await pickup. Resembling most other Community Supported Agriculture distribution sites, each

You Are What They Eat

WHEN JIM LARSON WAS FORCED was forced to sell his 30 Yorkshire sows at auction in 2011, months after they abruptly lost their ability to reproduce, he decided to stop buying

What the Bee Said

LATELY, NEWS STORIES ACROSS THE COUNTY have been proclaiming that the honeybee is in trouble. Bee habitat has been gobbled up by lawn, pavement and industrial farming. Bees are notoriously sensitive

Farmers Get Fracked

SLOPE FARM, IN THE DELAWARE COUNTY town of Meredith, has become one of the major producers of pasture-raised and finished beef for the metropolitan New York markets. But if fracking

Got Fresh Milk?

FOR THE PAST YEAR, Mid-Hudson Valley families have been able to enjoy superior milk produced by a group of select local farms, privately distributed and marketed in a couple of

The Corbin Hill Food Project

WHEN NEW SCHOOL University professor Dennis Derryck, 73, jumped into his ambitious social experiment to grow fruits and vegetables for underserved populations in New York City, he admittedly knew nothing

Camphill Connection

ONE BRILLIANT FALL morning, between garden buildings and a greenhouse, a line of eye-grabbing shares of newly harvested produce await pickup. Resembling most other Community Supported Agriculture distribution sites, each

Hudson Valley Restaurant Week is back this October 28 to November 10!