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Editor’s Letter

Yes, We Have No Tomatoes

AS YOU ALL KNOW BY NOW, there are few, if any, tomatoes left in the Northeast U.S., so they say. No doubt about it, it’s been a devastating blow to

Table Talkin’

SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE MUST HAVE WRITTEN a book along the lines of Ten Great Conversation Starters or Sixteen Ways to Enliven Dinner Talk, or something like that. If there is such

Reasons to Come to the Hudson Valley

YOU’VE HEARD OF GREAT RESTAURANT cities: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. They’ve got nothing on us, except population density (which they can have). We’ve got a whole big,

The Water Table

QUICK—NAME ONE ESSENTIAL ingredient in virtually every recipe in this issue. (Hint: It’s not truffle oil; it’s not Himalayan salt, either.) Quick—what’s the single most volatile sociopolitical issue worldwide? (Hint:

Twenty Questions

ONE OF THE MARVELOUS ASPECTS about being here on the East Coast—more specifically the Hudson Valley—is the sheer number of options we have regarding how, when, and where we get

Reality Checks

WE RECENTLY HEARD FROM AN old friend, a former Hudson Valley resident, an excellent chef and all-around nice guy who moved up to the Adirondacks to find a little more

Feeding Another Revolution

ALMOST 60 YEARS AGO IN Orange County, my family was in a unique position among our urban-dwelling relatives: We lived in “the country,” which meant that our house often became

Logic Need Not Apply

YOU’D THINK THAT THE PRIMARY subjects of this magazine—growing, selling, preparing and eating food—would be governed by simple, straightforward logic and practiced by reasonable people. Farmers, after all, tend to

The Bottom Line

IT SHOULD COME AS NO SURPRISE to anyone who’s even remotely involved with food that the Hudson Valley is way ahead of the curve as far as awareness, involvement and

Hit The Road, Jack

WE RARELY PLAN AN ISSUE of The Valley Table around a single theme or subject, but that’s not to say we don’t sometimes fixate on an idea—sometimes, the stars align

New Leaves

AFTER 16 YEARS AND 65 ISSUES, you’d think that things would settle down around here. You’d think the routine nature of a lot of what we do—seeking and developing content,

It Was the Best of Times

CHARLES DICKENS LIKELY NEVER EXPERIENCED a hurricane, but the opening lines in A Tale of Two Cities would be apropos to what the Northeast went through a month ago. Compared

What He Said

One of the perks that comes with being the editor of a publication is the privilege of letting people know what you think—about the contents, about issues affecting the contents

Empire State, Indeed

It’s almost no fun any more to pick apart the foibles of our public officials—it’s become just too easy to find examples of dysfunction and idiocy. Yet, a funny thing

Reality Check, Please

This issue of The Valley Table presents some rather odd stories. While Congress argues with itself back and forth across the aisle for this or that wasteful, budget-bloating expenditure, and

Weighty Matters

FOURTEEN DAYS AND SIX POUNDS LATER, the fall edition of Hudson Valley Restaurant Week 2014 is history. The vast majority of the owners of the 200 restaurants that officially participated

Hudson Valley Restaurant Week is back this October 28 to November 10!