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Editor’s Letter

The Year of Eating Dangerously

THIS IS NOT A FUNNY EDITORIAL. As we were putting the finishing touches on this issue in mid-August, word came over the news that a salmonella outbreak, on record since

Musings On A Tom

WE’RE COMING INTO ALMOST EVERYBODY’S favorite season, at least for those who place food high on their list of priorities. However you approach food (we know for a fact that you

All Dressed Up

WE JUST RETURNED FROM AN ANNUAL shindig put on by one of our favorite farmers out in Orange County’s black dirt. In our experience, farmers, in general, tend to worry

All the News That Fits

“BREAKING NEWS” IS NOT SOMETHING that means much to a quarterly magazine, but many of the issues we address—on this page, in Good Stuff or as feature material— remain pertinent even

Letters: Gluten-Free

GLUTEN-FREE: YAY To the editor: Thank you for the well-researched and informative article about eating, enjoying and living life on a gluten-free diet [“A Gluten-Free Primer,” Valley Table 70, June–August

Paradoxically Speaking

THERE’S A BAD JOKE I USED to tell my freshman English classes—in the spirit of higher education, of course. “What’s a paradox?” I’d ask sometime during the lessons on poetic terms

On Butterflies, Bread and Beefsteaks

BY THE CALENDAR IT’S STILL A MONTH until summer arrives, but the thermometer on the back deck says it’s here, right now. For a lot of people, summer means vacation, leisure, rest,

Water, Water, Nowhere

ONE BIG PART OF THE MISSION of this magazine is to keep you apprised about what’s happening on the food front in the Hudson Valley. That includes, of course, reporting

Confessions of a Semi-Luddite

EACH TIME WE WRAP UP another issue of this magazine, there is a palpable sense of relief and, sometimes, even an urge to celebrate—after all, nearly everybody around here gets involved


To say that we’ve been publishing The Valley Table for 18 years is to brag about the longevity of the magazine. Ditto for the success of Hudson Valley Restaurant Week, which this

The Ghost of Kitchens Past

DO SOMETHING FOR NEARLY 18 YEARS and in retrospect there are bound to be some things that you wish you’d done differently (or not at all).  That’s just about how

Hudson Valley Restaurant Week is back this October 28 to November 10!