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Issue 62, 2013



Tea for two million. by Robin Cherry; photos by Susan Baker

Foraging & feasting.

Chef Brandon Collins, Farmer John Fazio. text & photos by Darryl Estrine


Editors’s letter: Paradoxically speaking.

Good stuff: Gourmet pancakes; new hot sauce; new chocolates; Farm to Table award; beer bill; cider with hops; new vodka; dinner delivered; pizza on wheels and more.

Sustainable elements: Continental Organics; Fish & fine greens.by Amy Halloran.

New & Noteworthy: Clock Tower Grill; Sala on Hudson; Drink More Good; Hudson Valley Wine Market; El Solar; Tagine.

Locally grown: Generation next. by Keith Stewart

Eating by the season: Summer berries.

By the glass: Summer whites. by Steven Kolpan

Last page: Fair enough.

Events: March-May 13



Wild greens pesto (Dina Falconi/Foraging & Feasting)

Lemon balm brandy (Dina Falconi/Foraging & Feasting)

Quinoa with wild greens (Dina Falconi/Foraging & Feasting)

Berry flag cake (Agnes Devereux/The Village Tea Room)

Fazio Farms chicken, local beets and spring onion (Brandon Collins/Swift)

Foraging and Feasting

IT’S LIKE A TICKET TO a smorgasbord where the admission is free, there are no lines and you can have any dish you want 30 different ways. That sounds like a

Paradoxically Speaking

THERE’S A BAD JOKE I USED to tell my freshman English classes—in the spirit of higher education, of course. “What’s a paradox?” I’d ask sometime during the lessons on poetic terms

Quinoa With Wild Spring Greens

Dina Falconi / Foraging & Feasting Making this delicious, flavorful salad when the wild greens burst forth in the spring is a wonderful way to welcome the new growing season.

Wild Greens Pesto

Dina Falconi / Foraging & Feasting Pesto, typically added to pasta, tastes great topping whole grains and burgers, and in soups, sauces and dressings. Make it creamy by mixing it

Summer Berries

Sal drops three berries in her bucket and then eats them. She and her mother are picking berries on Blueberry Hill. AND SO BEGINS Robert McClockey’s 1948 classic children’s book, Blueberries

Generation Next

A COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO, I ATTENDED A SCREENING of Growing Farmers, a short film about the new generation of farmers on Long Island and the challenges they face. After the

Continental Organics: Fish And Fine Greens

TEN ROUND TANKS SIT LIKE SWIMMING POOLS inside a long, rectangular building in New Windsor. Two men dip long-handled nets into the water, pulling up fish for live delivery to

Farm-To-Table Honors Novi and Simon

THE VALLEY TABLE HAS HONORED Dr. Sam Simon, co-founder and president of Hudson Valley Fresh, and John Novi, chef/owner of the Depuy Canal House, with its 2013 Farm-to-Table Award in recognition

Dinner At Your Door

MOST FOODIES DREAM OF THE ultimate indulgence—a private chef— but almost none have a bank account that can pay for one. maybe Meals by Margot is the next best thing. This

A Consuming Passion

DRIVEN BY PASSION AND HIGH STANDARDS, Peter Kelly, celebrated chef/owner of Xaviars Restaurant group, has teamed up with a Slovenian beverage company, Fructal, to develop Slovenia Vodka. After a 2009

Farm Brewery Act Encourages Local Craft Brews

”IN ADDITION TO PRODUCING SOME OF THE FINEST BEER IN THE WORLD, New York’s craft breweries are creating jobs, supporting our state’s farmers and hops growers as well as bringing

Hot Hotcakes at Hudson Street

IN THE ART OF SIMPLE FOOD, Alice Waters wrote, “Let things taste of what they are.” Donna Hammond, chef/owner of Hudson Street Café, in Cornwall-on-Hudson, was shaped by the philosophy

Hopped Up Cider

WITH NEW YORK STATE PRODUCING OVER 29 million bushels of apples annually, it is no wonder that the Hudson Valley has been nicknamed “The Apple Belt.” With apples galore, hard cider

The Blue Pig’s Ice Cream

LISA MOIR, OWNER OF THE BLUE PIG, a new (old-time) ice cream parlor in Croton-on-Hudson, is churning out flavors from vanilla to mojito, and she is doing it with fresh,

Raising the Chocolate Bar

THE AROMA OF CHOCOLATE PERFUMES THE AIR of the Fruition Chocolate shop. Machinery buzzes in the background as cocoa nibs are ground into a shiny paste. Gracious, soft-spoken and chocolate-obsessed, owner

Hot Sauce Says It Loud

WHAT DO CYNDI LAUPER, HABANERO PEPPERS and Croton-on-Hudson have in common? An award-winning hot sauce, of course. The east bank of the lower Hudson is heating up now that former rocker and record producer William Wittman and

Pizza On Wheels

SPORTING A COCKED BASEBALL CAP, scruffy facial hair and t-shirt, The Cookery’s chef/owner David DiBari exudes a knee-buckling, edgy charm that only comes with a chef’s knife and fork. It

Hudson Valley Restaurant Week is back this October 28 to November 10!