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The Return of Hops Is Brewing in the Hudson Valley

 Everyone has a different level of familiarity with hops. Beer drinkers flock to Hudson Valley breweries to sample the diverse and creative lineups, seeking creamy stouts infused with freshly roasted

Cheers to Winter in the Hudson Valley

West Kill Brewing’s Mike Barcone, Patrick Allen, and Kevin Van Blarcum embrace the winter weather by enjoying some beers around the outdoor fire pit during a December snowstorm on the

Smart Alec Shandy

Recipe by Collin Bringman / Photos by Colleen Stewart Ingredients 1 ounce Raspberry-Blackberry Puree 1 ounce Lemongrass Syrup 2 ounces lemonade 1 12 ounce bottle Smart Beer Raspberries and blackberries, for

Cardoso’s Crows Milk

Collin Bringman, Reckless Remedies / Photo by Colleen Stewart Ingredients 2 ounces bourbon cream 2 ounces cold brewed Irving Farm Coffee Roaster HVRW Blend coffee 2 ounces Keegan Ales‘s Mother’s Milk

The Craft of Craft Brewing

World-class beer is being brewed in every county in the Hudson Valley, a brewing resurgence riding the tide of what has come to be known as craft beer. With origins

Summertime Adult Float

YOU MAY SPOT A SURPRISING “adult” dessert on more menus around the region this summer. A beer float is a grown-up twist on the traditional summer classic—smooth ice cream (the

Hudson Valley Restaurant Week is back this October 28 to November 10!